Stormwater is the water, such as rain and snow, that falls to the Earth’s surface. When it reaches the surface, the water will either infiltrate into the ground, join existing surface water, or become runoff. Infiltration of stormwater is the process of water flowing into and through the subsurface soils. Many factors can affect this process including soil type, topography, and impervious surfaces. Managing stormwater is necessary to protect the environment and property. Heavy stormwater runoff can carry pollutants to surface waters like rivers or lakes and large amounts of standing water can ruin crops, breed diseases, and damage buildings. Management practices range from building gutters, to city canals and basins.
The ultimate goal of stormwater management is to complete the natural water cycle and turn stormwater into Groundwater.
This is where we come in.
Parjana℠ Engineering analyzes environmental factors to determine the quantity of stormwater at a site, including topographic, geologic, hydrologic and meteorologic to ensure a properly designed management solution. Utilizing revolutionary energy-passive devices, IRIS™, Parjana℠ Engineering can greatly enhance the infiltration rate in a wide variety of applications to turn stormwater into groundwater.
Stormwater management solutions are custom designed to achieve the client goals as well as regulatory requirements. Effective management of stormwater within the property limits are key factors in making positive change toward the growing water scarcity issues and meeting stronger management policies.
Learn more about our applications:
Excessive first-flush stormwater runoff can burden existing gray infrastructure, leading to high maintenance costs, contaminant transfer, and the risk of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). IRIS™ system effectively reduces peak flow and can minimize stormwater runoff volume into municipal sewer systems by upwards of 83%
Learn more about Urban Runoff applications:
Too much water can lower crop productivity, increase toxic compounds in the soil, and even render water-logged areas unusable. IRIS™ presents a transformative approach to agricultural water management. IRIS™ is a device used to increase infiltration in poorly aggregated soils by enhancing the natural processes of capillary action, pressure differential, and hydrostatic pressure. Our solutions can effectively reduce the long term effects of both flooding and droughts by equalizing the moisture content between soil layers in all directions. It is a cutting-edge strategy for resilient and sustainable agriculture in a world where water constraints and climate change are significant issues.
Learn more about Agricultural applications:
IRIS™ can augment traditional stormwater practices by increasing the infiltration rate and management capacity of systems that capture peak volumes – such as ponds, swales, or other storage devices – or can be paired with filtration/biofiltration systems to improve the water quality of volumes being infiltrated. Additionally, integrated systems are proven to significantly lower management and operations costs, as well as aid new or existing developments in meeting environmental regulations.
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