Groundwater - Parjana Engineering


Groundwater can be found all over in the spaces between soil, sand, and rock underground. The water table may be deep or shallow and can change due to rains, melting snow, irrigation, or pumping.  All life depends on groundwater to survive and, in many places, the rate of using this precious resource is much faster then the rate it is replenished or recharged. The largest use of groundwater is to irrigate crops, but more than half of the people in the United States use groundwater for drinking water.

Natural recharge occurs by stormwater seeping down into the subsurface though infiltration. Many factors affect the Earth’s natural ability to do this including urbanization, soil compaction, and the affects of climate change.  The ultimate goal is to ensure sustainable groundwater management practices that balance withdrawal and recharge.

This is where we come in.

Parjana Engineering can enhance infiltration rates and thereby reduce surface water evaporation and runoff by effectively turning stormwater into groundwater.  Parjana‘s innovative technology mimics and enhances natural groundwater movement by taking advantage of the unique physical and chemical properties of water. Our technology accelerates infiltration into and through the near surface soils, ultimately increasing the volume of water that can be stored, infiltrated and recharged. In addition, our revolutionary technology stabilizes soil moisture reducing the need for irrigation and excessive groundwater extraction.

Groundwater management and recharge solutions are custom designed to achieve the client goals as well as regulatory requirements. Effective management and use of groundwater within the property limits are key factors in making positive change toward the growing water scarcity issues and changing management policies. Learn more about our applications:
Our custom solutions are minimally invasive and installation does not involve excavating, making it an ideal choice to upgrade existing infiltration sites and basins. The addition of our technology into existing basins has increased the infiltration rate by 9 times and reduced the evaporation loss by more than half. Multiple exiting flood basins have turned into infiltration basins after our enhancements due to the high rate of infiltration. Learn more about basin applications:
Our custom solutions are minimally invasive and installation does not involve excavating, making it an ideal choice to upgrade existing basins or use in new construction. The addition of our technology into existing basins has increased the infiltration rate by 9 times and reduced the evaporation loss by more than half. Multiple exiting flood basins have turned into infiltration basins after our enhancements due to the high rate of infiltration. Learn more about Stormwater Basin applications:
We offer a cutting-edge strategy for resilient and sustainable agriculture in a world where water constraints and climate change are significant issues.   IRIS is a device used to increase infiltration in poorly aggregated soils by enhancing the natural processes of capillary action, pressure differential, and hydrostatic pressure.  the  IRIS system can effectively reduce the long term effects of both flooding and droughts by equalizing the moisture content between soil layers in all directions.  Learn more about
Custom monitoring programs can be designed and implemented for most projects. Parjana uses real-time data monitoring and advanced data analysis to report performance. Parjana Engineering has ongoing research collaborations with academics, government agencies, and corporations worldwide, and manage projects in diverse applications and settings: city streets and sidewalks, agricultural land, large commercial developments, groundwater recharge facilities, and beyond. Learn more:

IRIS can augment traditional stormwater practices by increasing the infiltration rate and management capacity of systems that capture peak volumes – such as ponds, swales, or other storage devices – or can be paired with filtration/biofiltration systems to improve the water quality of volumes being infiltrated. Additionally, integrated systems are proven to significantly lower management and operations costs, as well as aid new or existing developments in meeting environmental regulations.

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IRIS is a device designed to increase the infiltration of surface water into near-and-sub-surface soils, providing subsequent benefits to groundwater recharge, runoff mitigation, water quality, and vector control.  IRIS implementation consists of multiple devices that are installed vertically into the ground and arranged within a carefully calculated layout.  The scope of the design is formed on the basis of understanding the timeline and infiltration goals of the customer. Parjana Engineering then combines that information with all topographic, geohydrologic, and geotechnical data to develop the best solution available. 

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Kern County, CA

Find out how Parjana Engineering is helping Kern County meet SGMA requirements

Tulare Subbasin, CA

Find out how Parjana Engineering can help meet SGMA requirements

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Parjana Engineering

625 Kenmoor Ave SE Suite 301 – #16 Grand Rapids MI 49546