Introducing IRIS



Since 2012, Parjana has manufactured and installed Parjana system with incredible results for infiltrating stormwater and recharging groundwater. Over a decade of monitoring, testing, and data review have provided the knowledge to make significant improvements to this amazing technology.

In the summer of 2024, Parjana Engineering proudly introduced IRIS. This new product design increases system infiltration rates by 15%, reduces materials and waste, and speeds up installation time over the Parjana system. These improvements not only enhance the performance of the system, but also decrease the carbon and ecological footprint making it an even more sustainable solution to water management problems.

IRIS uses the power of nature to connect soil layers and to enhance water movement between molecules. Like the Parjana system, IRIS is still a zero energy, zero maintenance, zero visual solution that comes with a 10 year installation warranty and 25 year product warranty giving you the peace of mind that your water is being managed without needing additional time, effort, or funds for years to come.

As water security, water scarcity, extreme weather, and climate change affect how we manage this vital resource, Parjana Engineering and IRIS system are leading the way to a water balanced future.

IRIS Drill by Parjana Engineering


IRIS is a device designed to increase the infiltration of surface water into near-and-sub-surface soils, providing subsequent benefits to groundwater recharge, runoff mitigation, water quality, and vector control. IRIS implementation consists of multiple devices that are installed vertically into the ground and arranged within a carefully calculated layout. IRIS improve infiltration rates without disturbing ecological balance, as the devices do not encourage water to flow straight down to the bottom of the device like a pipe.  They enhance horizontal distribution of water through the soil matrix, as well as vertical distribution.  At Parjana Engineering, we provide engineered water management solutions for various applications: residential, agricultural, commercial, and municipal. Parjana‘s experienced team of engineers, environmental specialists, and sales representatives deliver substantial, measurable benefits to our customers. While the objectives of every project are unique, below we summarize some of the benefits customers can expect from our professionally engineered solutions.

Water Management Solution IRIS

Water Management

Solution IRIS

Cost-Effective, Sustainable Stormwater Management

IRIS-based solutions can drain waterlogged surface soils, eliminate standing water, and reduce runoff into municipal sewer drain systems, which can significantly alleviate costs associated with stormwater treatment and minimize the introduction of undesirable pollutants into our traditional stormwater systems.

Healthy Soils

Enhanced infiltration of water provided by IRIS-based solutions increases plant-available water content, which can lead to natural improvements in soil productivity and reduce the amount of water maintenance needed to keep lawns and agricultural crops healthy.

Pollution Runoff Control

Low-impact development (LID) approaches in which pollution-removing technologies and IRIS-based solutions work side-by-side to capture and treat stormwater before it becomes runoff can decrease pollutant loadings into local waterways, protecting public health and the health of aquatic habitats.

Groundwater Recharge

Emulating the natural processes of aquifer recharge, IRIS-based solutions merge ecology with technology to increase long-term rates of groundwater recharge by capturing and reclaiming stormwater and surface water generated in the built environment and directing it to permeate back into the natural groundwater system.

Increased Recreational Availability

For a number of reasons, outdoor recreational facilities like sports fields, golf courses, playgrounds, and parks are often left waterlogged in certain areas for days following a storm event, resulting in inconveniences such as lost playing time and revenue. Our IRIS-based solutions drain saturated soils and return outdoor recreational facilities to usable playing conditions in a significantly shorter window of time.

Passive Mosquito Population Control

By eliminating the presence of stagnant water in problem areas, IRIS -based solutions inherently mitigate the breeding of unwanted pests such as mosquitos, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases. Eradicating standing water can also reduce potential hazards associated with gulls, waterfowl, and deer.

How It Works

Stormwater Infiltration and Volume Reduction

Excessive first-flush stormwater runoff can burden existing gray infrastructure, leading to high maintenance costs, contaminant transfer, and the risk of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). IRIS system effectively reduces peak flow and can minimize stormwater runoff volume into municipal sewer systems by upwards of 83%.

Groundwater Recharge

Parjana‘s innovative technology mimics and enhances natural groundwater movement by taking advantage of the unique physical and chemical properties of water. IRIS technology accelerates infiltration into and through the near surface soils, ultimately increasing the volume of water that can be stored, infiltrated and recharged.

Reduces Runoff

IRIS technology improves infiltration rates as a solution to get rid of standing water. The system promotes drainage by utilizing an energy-passive solution, strengthened by the natural movement of groundwater recharge techniques.

Stabilize Soil Moisture Content

Parjana IRIS system improves infiltration by creating a balanced environment. Data shows that moisture content is kept at its lower energy state, which is excellent for soil health and plant growth.

Maintenance Free

IRIS systems neither clog nor require maintenance. Parjana has monitored sites for years after installation in order to evaluate performance, and no system has stopped working or required interference.

Low Impact Design

IRIS implementation consists of multiple devices that are installed vertically into the ground and arranged within a carefully calculated layout by a team of skilled engineers based on local design criteria, such as topography and soil type, as well as the individual customer’s water management objectives.

Integrated Systems

IRIS can augment traditional stormwater practices by increasing the infiltration rate and management capacity of systems that capture peak volumes – such as ponds, swales, or other storage devices – or can be paired with filtration/biofiltration systems to improve the water quality of volumes being infiltrated. This integrated approach provides a “mix-and-match” design process that develops tailored solutions to capture stormwater runoff, store peak volume, absorb pollutants and/or increase infiltration rates over time.

Additionally, integrated systems are proven to significantly lower management and operations costs, as well as aid new or existing developments in meeting environmental regulations. This is achieved through the systems’ ability to reduce peak storm discharges and downstream flooding, reduce stormwater runoff pollutant loadings, and increase groundwater recharge volumes.

Technical Specifications

Each IRIS device resembles a snowflake in which six split-end arms extend from a central core, and each is topped with a cap at the end closest to the surface level. Base lengths: 5’ (1.524 m), 10’ (3.048 m), 20’ (6.096 m) & 40’ (12.192 m). Diameter: 1 ¼” (31.75 mm) and 2 ¼ ” (57.15 mm) Color: Natural Transparent Clear, Colorless Material: Polyethylene Material characteristics: Non-reactive with environment, abrasion resistance.

IRIS implementation consists of multiple devices that are installed vertically into the ground and arranged within a carefully calculated layout. IRIS installation machine is 4’-wide and 16’-tall (clearance) on continuous track treads for minimal ground disturbance and maximum site access. There is no excavation resulting in material removal from the ground, nor the necessity to add new material (soil) to the site making the entire process minimally invasive.

Engineering & Installation

We are dedicated to providing water management solutions that are innovative and integrative

Parjana Engineering is here to work with you on solving your water management issues. Our dedicated team of engineers and sales professionals is ready to investigate, consult, design, and resolve your water problems. We will happily provide a free cost estimate specific to the site you have in mind. All you need to do is contact your Parjana Representative and we’ll send you guidelines on what to submit in order to receive a cost estimate.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our engineering services and how we can help you with your next project.

Important to know about design and cost:

Each project is custom made. Even neighboring properties will have different aspects that will influence design. IRIS never stop working, but there is a matter of time. Adding devices to a project can make the project more expensive, but it will also make the system work faster. TIME is a very important element of the design. Area is another important element of design. The devices need to be installed underground making available area for installation a critical aspect to determine “system capacity”.

Environmental Evaluation

Prior to any design, each site undergoes a qualifying environmental assessment to ensure that the system will not directly interfere with sites of environmental contamination and are within regulation-based authorized areas. After carefully considering geohydrology, Parjana can offer solutions that make the best use of the land’s geography, designing systems that require low intervention and minimal ecological disturbance.

Comprehensive approach

Parjana resources help to diagnose areas most needed in order to mitigate droughts or floods consequences, depending on the region. Targeted groups can be based on geohydrology or socio-economical aspects. System design is informed by costumer expectations and the best available technology. When provided geotechnical investigations, Parjana uses the material to inform the design process. Parjana uses 3D modeling and other resources to determine best system design.

Customer Centered Approach

Every customer and project is different and the needs of the customer are our number one priority. The scope of the design is formed on the basis of understanding the timeline and infiltration goals of the customer. Parjana Engineering then combines that information with all topographic, geohydrologic, and geotechnical data to develop the best solution available.

Installation Information:

System installation is performed by a certified installer. Immediately prior to installation, all utilities and hazards will be properly identified and any necessary updates to the design will be made.

IRIS installation machine is 4’-wide and 16’-tall (clearance) on continuous track treads for minimal ground disturbance and maximum site access.

With an IRIS – based project, there is no excavation resulting in material removal from the ground, nor the necessity to add new material (soil) to the site making the entire process minimally invasive.

Post Installation

Custom monitoring programs can be designed and implemented for most projects. Parjana uses real-time data monitoring and advanced data analysis to report performance. Parjana Engineering has ongoing research collaborations with academics, government agencies, and corporations worldwide, and manage projects in diverse applications and settings: city streets and sidewalks, agricultural land, large commercial developments, groundwater recharge facilities, and beyond.

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